Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Green Revolution

This post was inspired by a song I heard today. 

Adversity brings togetherness. It's in our nature as living beings to co-operate when it's neccesary to survive. We battle common foes. Individuals sacrifice with nothing in mind but the common good. Sometimes, their names are forgotten, but their efforts are etched in time, and cannot be undone. 

It's incredible how much difference leadership can have on the minds of the followers, the opponents and even indirectly through those that listen, onto those who cannot hear the words for themselves, or choose not to. 

In the last 6 months, the whole world has begun to change together. The global economy is shrinking at the same time the need for tremendous upheaval. Efforts at peace are being renewed in places, and between people in most unexpected ways. The U.S. and Iran, India and Pakistan.  The global consciousness is focused on common goals for the first time in history. It's not a universal shift towards the positive, but there is certainly a stronger voice for the ecologically conscious individuals who have for so long suffered prejudice, and even animousity for trying to affect a change which is now widely accepted to be for the betterment of all people. living within ones means is not just a economic choice anymore, but a philosophical one.

There is much to do, and so much will be lost forever (Tibet, mass animal and plant extinctions, proper English) but if times like this continue, we may survive to see our children grow up after all.