Thursday, April 2, 2009

You and I and he and she, all have different ideas of what everything means, though we use a common language to express them. One of the results of this is that we are all, people everywhere, are all very difficult to get to know. It helps to share the same dialect, or even a common tongue, but all is not lost when verbal communication is impossible. I can ask any question to a Greek woman, if I have a stick and some dirt. 
Still, our minds are seperate, and thinking about every moment, every piece of information in our own, particular fashion. With apologies to the producers of Fight Club, on an moleculochemical level, we are all beautiful, unique snow flakes. Fractal patterns so deep they betray omniscience.  In fact, according to quantum mechanics, no 'being' could ever know all. Even if it, in it's infinite wisdom, knew the exact position of every single atom, at any particular time, the future state of the system(in this case, our Universe)'s direction would remain unpredictable.  There is such profound beauty in a science that combines the wisdom of ancient Eastern and Western philosophers and the purety and truth of mathmatics. 
Still, we seem to get along pretty well, you and I, he and she. So lets not let any of that stop of from eating out at that new Indian place around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. You and I and she and he all live in harmony because it is the lesser of the evils. It is of greater value to the 'I' to exist in harmony and apathy of the bloke walking down the street than to assume him an enemy and off him in case he may do it first.

    Our communication only scratches the surface of what is really meant by expressing one’s self. Our fractional way of exchanging thoughts is even less effective when taking in the idea that half of the meaning is lost in the space between the communicator and the recipient. There are numerous barriers that limit the effectiveness of our communication that in a list would only dull the point that we are truly similar and unique beings, capable of empathy compassion and understanding without having a sweet clue about what is going on.

    I share your awe in how we even get points across.
