Mooseman, a burner festival just a couple hours outside my city, Toronto, is perfection. A big perfect pond. A barter economy. Free spirits, free lovers, and artists. Even a couple honest-to-goodness hippies. I was completely in love when I was there, in fact, I was completely swept up in love while on there, the pinnacle being saturday night. On Sunday they burn the Mooseman. Effagy festivals such as this one, and particularly one in Nevada, where a small town is formed all at once and then torn down a couple weeks later, are called burner festivals. Sometimes with a Big B.
I won't go into too much detail because I was with my love, and I don't want to make this journal personal. Sufficed to say, go there next year and you'll see me there, except smarter.
About those related thoughts, I want to say a few things before I wrap this up for the night.
Some good news to look into: Walmart has starting indexing the impact of their various suppliers. It's not a product level assesment, but it's a start.
Also, scientists are saying that some of the fisheries are returning. It would be worth the time to look into the funding of the research firm, but skepticism asside, this gives me hope.
I keep hearing "rain forests" and "getting under control" in the same sentence. Anyway it's something nice to hear for once. Hope it's true. Any wikisearchers out there, reading along?